Melrose and More

Specific title don't ya think? Oh my lord... I apoligize for no posts recently. Unfortunatey I was sick and still in full recovery from finals then I got sick again and I feel terrible about not posting... Anyway, Today I'll be talking about a adventure that I recently went on. If you're following my instagram, jkyinthesky, you saw my picture with the cast of Austin and Ally. Well,  not every part of that trip was so effortless. We left around 1:20, giving us almost three hours to go on a 2 hour trip... We were late. The rainy day traffic was not on our side. We got to the studio at 4:55 when we were supposed to be there at 4 to check in for VIP. (This links us all the way back to November when were supposed to go to that taping... Another long story.) A nice man named Kennith said that if we were willing to come back between 7 and 7:30, he could get us in if he had some seats. We decided to try it since there was nothing else to do so to pass time, we drove down Melrose since it was close by. We just happened to stumble upon a little store called Nasty Gal... AKA Heaven. Jessie and I have known about Nast Gal for a while but have been too broke to order anything from their online store. We shopped and then got back in the car to cruise down the street. On the way back to the taping, we found Charm City Cakes! Attached to it, was a little shop where you could buy cakes and cupcakes and even decorate your own! We picked up a few cupcakes and then headed back to the studio. We waited about 20 minutes and Kennith came out with nothing yet. I convinced my parents to stay just a little bit longer and about 15 minutes later, Kennith returned with three seats! We walked in to the buikding and I had such an adrenaline rush that on the way in, I ran and jumped about three feet off the ground.  This goes to show you that positivity and faith are not pointless and you should never loose faith in yourself. We got in and enjoied the rest of the taping. We got to see two scenes and then the end to the episode. After the cast bowed, we got to take pictures with them! We went to the practice room set and sat in two directors chairs with the cast surrounding us. (My mom actually took a video of us meeting them which has some pretty sweet Ross + Jillian moments.) After we got back to the car and started heading home. We obviously made our traditional In-N-Out stop around 11pm. I honestly love Los Angeles. The vibe, the atmosphere, I feel like it's one of the places I'm meant to explore. Hopefully soon I'll be able to discover a something new about L.A.

Here are some photos from the adventure...

Approaching the city

Outside Nasty Gal

Goofing off outside of the studio

Our picture with the cast 


In front of some props on set

It was such a great learning experience for me and I had a blast. Thanks for reading and I'll talk to you next week!

- Jillian

My newest YouTube video:
Instagram: jkyinthesky


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