A Break

I need to take a break and clear my mind. I haven't found the time to do this but I need to. It's the only way I can survive the next however many years of my life because right now, it's not looking too good.

If I don't do this now, it'll just be worse later. Before I slip away from the writer you knew me to be.

So this is my break. If I don't take it now, it'll affect my mind, my health and my writing. And I want to write the best that I can. Which I can't do in this state. All my opinions will be biased based on the things going on in my life which is not the clear perspective I try to write from. I don't want to loose that perspective. As far as I know, it's the most decent part of my writing. I try to put my heart out there in every piece that I post in the most genuine way possible and if I can't do that, then I shouldn't be writing at this point in time. I would love to share every feeling that I've been experiencing but I feel like that wouldn't be healthy. I feel like what I've been feeling is too confusing for me to even attempt to put into words. I feel that I'd be too negative and that's not a good habit that I'd like to get into. Yes, I've been struggling recently with things in my life. I just don't feel like it's fair to you (whoever's reading this) to have to read it as I try to keep a positive mindset while writing my posts. (But it's totally normal to get in a negative or down mood every now and then. Trust me, I know.) I just don't want to drop that burden on you, attentive strangers. So I'm going to go get my perspective back. I have no idea how but just like my life, I'm just winging it.

I've learned recently that there's times when you need to be just a tiny bit selfish when it comes to your own life. This is just what I believe: You have to walk your own path. (Preferably the one that'll make you happy or give you what you want out of your life.) I don't really like the word selfish but it's the only word that I can think of. It's your life. Not anyone else's. When the time comes to make big decisions, we need to make them for ourselves. No one else is going to live our life. That's our job. So we should learn to live it ourselves. This is why I need my break. I didn't think of myself and my own well being when making some big decisions. My clear and un-biased perspective is gone. I need to get it back so I can write the way that I've been trying to the past however many months.

One piece of advice that I can definitely give you right now is to listen to your heart - as cheesy or cliché as it sounds. If something doesn't feel right to you, then it's not.

Hopefully, it won't be too long. This is for everyone.

I need to get my shit together.

- Jillian

Instagram: @jillianybarra/@jkyinthesky


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