Semester 2

Second semester of my first year of college was probably the most productive time in my life so far. The four months started with some big decisions, and led to new experiences and a great amount of personal growth as I battled through some incredibly tough times. The big decision that I had made at the beginning of those four months often crosses my mind when I catch up with old friends. They ask about what I've been doing and after I fill them in, they respond with a look of concern and curiosity. I reassure them that the decision that I had made was the right one for me to make and if I hadn't gone with it, I wouldn't be where I am now. But then I ask myself "Did I really make the right choice?" To this day, I still occasionally feel a speck of doubt hover over my conscious and I, as if it were a storm cloud over my head. Then I remember that I would have a much larger storm cloud over my head right now if I hadn't taken a leap of faith and made the change that I did. We may always wonder what might've been or how different life would be if we had stayed on a certain path, but in the end, the results that came out of this action that I made were worth the risk. This is making me feel a little bit hypocritical because I'm not the best with change. However, ( I am working on how I handle it) one of the things that I'm working on is handling change better. Semester two led me to a brighter path and I'm such an advocate for the various phrases that talk about how your thoughts build your universe. For example, "The universe listens and responds to everything you think and feel". Some really important things happened in my life this semester, academically and personally. I feel grateful for how far I've come at this point in my life and I know that I'll keep growing and improving with everything that I do. I often think about all the progress and growth that I need to do and then I feel like I haven't made much progress yet. Then I remind myself that I'm not the same as I was four months ago and that I have made progress. It's crazy what can change in a year, let alone just four months. For example, a year ago, I didn't have my license or a job. Now, you catch me whipping' and making bank. Right now, my main goal is that as long as I'm growing and changing, I grow and change for the better. Manifesting positive vibes, positive growth and positive outcomes.

Same over thinker, I just have a little bit more knowledge in me.
Eager to learn more

- Jillian

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