Year Two

I can't believe that tomorrow I will start my second year of college. I was struck by many unexpected battles ever since my first year started and it's just crazy to think that I've made it this far. No matter how hard things may seem, I want to continuously work on advancing my education as well as exceeding my own standards for personal growth and how well I handle future obstacles that may come my way. Of course I hope for the best and that I'm not hit with ginormous challenges in the near future, but I do understand that they are helping me develop into the person that I'm becoming.

I never expected to end up where I have and the past year has really shown me that I will end up where I'm supposed to. When I was much younger, I used to tell everyone that this school is my dream school. High school came along and all dreams of college ended for me until my Junior year, when I had an English teacher that not only expressed to me (in a non-forceful way) all the things I would be missing out on, including how much it would benefit my future self in more ways than one. After being in that class, I had thought of college as something that wasn't such a bad idea for me anymore.

If you've read any of my past posts, I have told the basics about my story at my previous four year University. But to sum it up, I was only accepted to two schools for my freshman year, neither of which I wanted to go to so I settled. I felt incredibly out of place, I didn't make many friends, and I felt pushed towards things that I did not want to be forced to. I left after first semester because my mentality truly couldn't handle it and I enrolled in a local community college for the spring semester. This time around, I got into four out of five schools I applied to, including my top two schools. I was lucky enough to be offered free tuition to one of the four schools that I was accepted at. Unfortunately it wasn't my top choice out of the four but it was still one that I wanted to consider. Therefore, I committed to the University which happens to be the one that I would run around telling people that it was my dream school.

I don't know what this academic year will hold but it's already begun to teach me more about life than I knew before. How am I a sophomore? If I could go back and tell my younger self that I would end up here in the future, I'm sure my younger self would say "I knew it".

Here's to a second year of college.

- Jillian


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