The Starting Line

I recently had a Rapunzel-like thought... When will my life begin?

Yes, that's a song from Tangled. And yes, that photo is from the scene in the movie where Rapunzel sings that song. She's longing for the day that she's able to finally get out of that tower. I'm anxious for the day where my life will fully begin.

Yes, I'm alive. Yes, that means that my life has begun. But I've felt so overwhelmed recently with pressure from school and people around me. I'm doing all of this work and I'm going to all these classes so that one day I can graduate from college and actually start doing what I want to do.

Of course, I've learned so much throughout my first two years. Not just academically but about life too. However, doesn't every college student hope that once they graduate they get to do what they're really passionate about all the time? I do. I guess I'm longing for the day where I get to work in my dream field, doing my dream job. It's difficult to do that now with school and all of those commitments. I guess I'm just asking when will that part of my life begin.

Of course, I love being young and college is an experience that I'm glad I'm taking part in. Yet, I feel that I'll be so much happier once I'm out there doing what I want to do with my life.

I understand that the work I'm doing now will help me with my career later. It just makes me anxious knowing that I could be working right now but I have to wait to do so full time until I graduate.

I guess this part of my life is the starting line. Once I move further towards graduation, I will be in the midst of beginning the next chapter of my life. Or maybe I'm just so excited and eager to get to this next chapter even though I'm still preparing for it.

I'm trying to remind myself that patience is key and that I need to enjoy this part of my life while I can, before I start to miss it. It's just hard sometimes when my mind is so focused on the things I love that I'll be able to do more often after I finish my college career. I guess for now, I'll do my best to remain involved with the extracurriculars that I'm currently in to remind myself that these are the things that I'm going to miss someday.

I'll just be here, trying to cherish every day I have before time really flies.

- Jillian

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