Year Three

Yes, believe it or not, I've entered my third year of college. I definitely don't feel like I'm halfway done with college but it's happening anyway. That's how life works. It throws you into the next chapter and you just have to do your best to adapt to it. This chapter is exciting for me because it's my first year of college where I get to be a returner on campus. I'm working harder than ever to build my life. School is important but what I think it more important is how I use my time there. It feels like just yesterday I was starting my junior year of high school. That was the year where I finally began to slowly but surely break out of my shell and become more confident in myself. It was an important year for me because it's when I first realized that I was growing into a better person. I hope that this year is the same. Although I've been facing some minor challenges, I feel as if this year I am embracing the challenges as life lessons more than I used to.

Personally I don't share the opinion about college that it's this magical time in your life. To me, it's just this middle area where I'm waiting for the next phase of my life to start. Meanwhile, I'll be working on myself and preparing myself for that phase as I patiently wait four years. So I'm very excited to graduate. The beginning of year three gave me that glimmer of hope and an ounce of motivation that was drained from me that I'm over half way done. This isn't the beginning of college anymore. It's coming up to the end. I'm going to appreciate the time that I have left but I can't help the fact that I'm excited to be able to do what I love full-time once I get my diploma.

College has been draining, but I'm half way done. I'm over half way done. I'm almost just three short semesters away from being done. I'm ready. This year is going to teach me patience. I can already tell by how anxious I am to finish college that it's going to force me to wait until the time to graduate comes. I know that this year will continue to teach me who I'm supposed to be. I know that it will bring new people into my life for reasons that I will discover once I meet them. I know that people will present challenges that I'll be forced to face but I know that I'll learn from it. I know that there is so much that I don't know. I say this all the time but no matter how old I am, it will always be true. I will never know everything but life will give me the lessons that I need to do great things.

Even when I finish school, I'll never be done learning.

- Jillian

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