Stagecoach 2019

Howdy y'all! It's been a minute. I wanted to share a little bit about my experiences from Stagecoach 2019!

Believe it or not, this was the very first music festival that I've attended. I know.. shocking. I've always love being in the desert and I was in desperate need of a weekend getaway. I was so excited to be in my element, surrounded by music that fills me with so much joy. Something about country music just makes me so happy and I had been looking forward to this festival for so long. I had always wanted to go and this was my year where I made it happen.

Last minute, I ended up arranging to stay by myself which was actually super relaxing. Rather than sleeping on the floor in a crowded hotel room, I had my own bed in a room all to myself where I could shower at 3 am and not worry about basically sleeping on top of other people. I also needed this little bit of independence in my life. So much has been going on recently, spending part of my weekend on my own allowed me to relax and reflect before I went back to school for the last stretch of the semester.

The first day of the Stagecoach, I spent most of being on my own. It was interesting navigating the festival grounds on my own, especially having never been there before. Everyone I talked to was so friendly and it made me feel at home, even by myself. I eventually met up with a friend and his group and spent the rest of the weekend hanging out with them. I was high on life. I felt free.

I joined a big group of people which made the festival a blast. They had so many cool activities and things to see, three days wasn't long enough to experience it all. Besides the (air conditioned) Honky Tonk Dance Hall and all the different amenities, they had a water filling station which I thought was the coolest thing. If you brought in an empty water bottle or drank a bottle there, you could refill it as many times as you needed at the filling stations. Besides helping the planet, they also helped keep the fans hydrated.

I got to see so many of my favorite country artists all in one place and in an atmosphere where anyone could have a good time. Running around with friends and listening to great music is always how I'd like to spend my free time. The weather was also abnormally perfect. The first day was the hottest, reaching 103, but the rest of the weekend was prime weather for being in the desert at 95 degrees.

This was one of the best weekends I've had in a long time and it made me so content. Music is one of the things that has always been there for me and country music in particular is the main genre I turn to when I'm having a bad day. Country music always brings some extra light in my life and I'm so grateful for the weekend that I had. Going to Stagecoach has been a dream of mine for years now and I'm so glad that I was able to make this dream become a reality this year.

I'm already counting down the days till Stagecoach 2020...

day 2

Talk to y'all soon

- Jillian

P.S. When I say yee, you say haw (iykyk)

Instagram: @jillianybarra/@jkyintheskyLatest YouTube Video: - SELF CARE SUNDAY


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