Meaningful Friendships

I've been reflecting a lot about the friendships that I've had over the years and the ones that I'm currently in. I'm so grateful for the friendships that I have, however there are some that I've been realizing haven't been the most fulfilling to me. As many people know, college is short four year period of our lives but these years are full of finding out who we are and who we want to be. With this, comes finding who we want to surround ourselves with and who we want to let into our circle. I've spent a decent amount of time in college feeling alone and I've always wondered why. Last night, I stumbled across a YouTube video of a Ted Talk called "Frientimacy: The 3 Requirements of All Healthy Relationships" by Shasta Nelson. This video made me think about how important that the quality of relationships are and what it means to be in a fulfilling friendship.

It took me a while to realize that it wasn't that I didn't have friends, it was just that some friendships didn't feel super meaningful and fulfilling anymore. If you've been in any sort of relationship that felt one sided, you may know what I'm talking about when I talk about a relationship not feeling meaningful. Feeling like the other person doesn't care as much as you do or that they just got too tired of spending their time with you. The Ted Talk I watched talked about three different components that add to a meaningful relationship. The components were consistency, positivity, and vulnerability. This helped me understand what about my relationships made them feel incomplete and made me still feel lonely.

I don't know everything about relationships but I'm constantly learning more about not only cultivating relationships with new people but also maintaining a healthy relationship with myself. I've always tried to surround myself with genuine people who I can make memories with and really trust as we continue our journeys with personal growth. As I've changed over the past three years or so, my goal to create and maintain meaningful relationships has only grown. It's so important to be able to rely on yourself when things get rough, but it's also important to have some kind of support system to turn to when you need to trust in a friend. I'm still trying to establish my support system but I know that the right people will be there for me when I need the extra support.

A relationship of any kind is a two way street. I'm continuously working on being a good friend to others. I care about the people in my life so much and a real friend will reciprocate the effort that you put in to cultivating the relationship as much as they can. No one can be the perfect best friend all the time. But in my eyes, the effort put in to a friendship speaks so loudly.

Going forward, making and maintaining meaningful connections is the primary goal in order to find my tribe and the people who I can experience life's joys with. Every friend I've ever had has taught me something about being a better friend. I appreciate everyone who's been in my life, no matter how long they've been around. Valuing meaningful relationships has helped me show how much I care about those who are still in my life. I've been lucky enough to maintain friendships that I've had for over 15 years and I know how lucky I am to be able to say that. I care about all of my friends so much and I only hope that as I continue learning how to be a better friend, they know how much their friendship means to me. To the people I'm still getting to know and who I haven't met yet, I'm glad our paths will cross.

Thanks for reading,

- Jillian

ted talk:
latest youtube video: An Afternoon In Laguna | JKYintheSKY Vlog
instagram: @jillianybarra/@jkyinthesky


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