2019 Photo Journal

2019 was full of memories that I will continue to be grateful for throughout the years to come. However, I am ready to move on and fully embrace what 2020 has in store. Before I do that, I am going to reflect on some of my personal highlights from 2019.

Welcome to my photo journal...

I was given a new perspective of myself and a much needed positive reminder
through a letter from a friend from my old university

I got to attend the Sundance Film Festival
as part of an academic class
I also saw real snow for the first time

I made a lot of chocolate chip cookies

I started working a lot more

I made some changes

I went to Stagecoach which was also my first
music festival

I stayed on my own for this trip which I didn't
realize I needed until it happened. But I was
still able to experience the festival with friends
who made it fun

I began to embrace the journey I was on and
reminded myself that the universe leads me to
where I need to be

I went to more concerts in all parts of Southern California

I hiked and explored a lot 

I kept working more

I continued to grow

I started my last year of college
I went to more concerts (including the Jonas Brothers)

I went to Disneyland for my 21st birthday

Spent time with people important to me and
worked to give myself the time I deserved to breathe

I went on even more Disney trips

I closed out the year with the people I love

Thanks for the memories, 2019. Here's to 2020.

- Jillian

instagram: @jkyinthesky
latest youtube video: Turning 21 at Disney Vlog -  https://youtu.be/LSZv_s2ZMPo


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