2020 Vision Board

In my mind, it's never a bad time to start manifesting new goals.

Being in this new decade is exciting for me. Towards the end of every year, I make a list of goals that I have for the next. This year, I decided to make a visual representation of my list to remind myself of the things I want to continue putting my energy in to manifest.

When I was younger, I used to make collages for fun of things that I liked. So making one now full of the goals that I have. It seemed like a fun and creative activity that I hadn't done for quite a while. I started by clipping magazines and going through my own photos to find pieces that would represent my goals. I took the list I made for 2020 and used it as a reference to give myself more ideas for what to add to my board. I didn't just use photos of my own. I also used photos that represented wha I strive to manifest from Pinterest.

I took a little bit of inspiration from Niki DeMar's video where she made her own vision board. I liked how she designed hers to fit in a frame rather than just being on a piece of paper, so I decided to do the same thing.

As I was laying out the photos that I selected for my board, I used a piece of paper that I knew would fit in the frame, to ensure that all the photos that I wanted to include would all fit. But while I was doing this, I realized that there were so many other photos that I wanted to include. I then decided that I would make my board on the computer. I thought that being able to change the sizes would make it easier to include all the photos that I wanted to.

I did many drafts to try and find the right lay out. I used Pages on my mac to make the different variations. Here's a draft...

A Draft

I wanted to include photos of things that I aspire to grow into, things I hope to experience and accomplish, as well as things that I want to keep and maintain. I also had to throw in a few reminders for myself, for instance, "Don't Overthink It". I included photos of some of my relationships in hopes to take care of them and give them what they need to grow. I also included career and education goals. As I am in my fourth year of college, graduating soon and working more are two of the things I'm looking forward to making a reality this year. I tried to choose a select group of photos for this draft so that the collage wasn't crazy. But then I realized that I want all of my aspirations to be represented on my board, which led to many more drafts being made. 

I may acquire more goals this year which is what I hope for. I never want to stop adding to my list. After finalizing the layout and photos for my board, I printed it out and decided on a frame. Here it is...

My Final Vision Board

My Final Collage (digital)
Every photo that I included in my vision board has a story behind it. Part of my life has influenced me to work towards that certain goal. My board includes all the things I strive for so far and when I look at it hanging up in my room, I'll get the visual reminder that I can work towards anything my heart desires. I'll still have my list of goals on paper but sometimes it's nice to see the goal in real life.

Manifest, Manifest, Manifest.

Chat soon,

- Jillian

latest youtube video: First Disney Trip of the Decade | https://youtu.be/mGIH3NFR-ak
instagram: @jkyinthesky


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