What A Week

Hey everyone! So, I had a very eventful week last month. I had two special events up North with only a day in between! I'm so excited to share these stories with you so I present to you... A Week In The Life! (Ok, more like four days..)
So, you know how I was becoming such a positive person? Well the week of the 8th - 14th of September, it really showed. I was so excited about the end of the week, I was probably one of the perkiest people at school. Now, I have a very good excuse for being this happy. My special events consisted of two concerts! One Direction and R5! My friend mentioned in many posts, Jessica, invited me and two other friends of ours to go up to Pasadena to see One Direction at the Rose Bowl on Thursday the 11th of September! We were so excited! They played all my favorite songs including Rock Me, Little White Lies and Right Now. Plus 5SOS was obviously amazing.

The view from our first seats

One Direction in action while we're at our new seats

I didn't crawl into bed until three in the morning, and I had to wake up to go to school at six. I wasn't even tired, I was just delusional. (Trippy/out of it if you will. In the best way possible.) After school on Friday, it was a mad dash to prep and pack for Saturday's adventure. Jessie and I put together a gift for R5 and I added a letter telling them the story of how their band came into our lives. We went to pick up Jessie and her mom the next morning to drive up to Pomona to see R5 at the L.A. County Fair. We were going to stay the night up there so when we arrived in Pomona, we checked in and freshened up. Soon after, we left for the fair. We got to the fair around three-ish and it was super hot. We walked through one of the shopping halls and then headed to cool down in a home/decor/food exhibit. After, we decided to eat some lunch so we went into this building (because it was air conditioned) and ate at an Italian restaurant in the fair. After lunch, it was time to go to the meet and greet. We signed in with Mark (R5's father) and then Jessie and I sat with other fans in the seats of the arena and waited to get our meet and greet picture taken. So this was the plan, I would be next to Ross and Jessie would be next to Rocky. Well, Jessie walked up first and stood next to Ross while I was next to Rocky... Yup. But when I walked up, I got a group hug from Rocky and Ellington and then I stood next to Rydel. We got to take two pictures with them so we did a smiling one and then a Charlie's Angels one. After the pictures, I went up and hugged Ross then Riker and they give the best hugs I've ever received in my whole life. Insert a billion heart-eyed emojis here. 

Meet and Greet photo number 1! 

Meet and greet photo number 2!

Then we got our awesome swag bag and headed out to get in line to go in to the arena to our seats before the concert. While in line, I got to meet one of my online friends from twitter, Claire! Plus, she introduced me to my new friend from AZ, Jordan! When we got inside, Claire and I took some pictures and Jessie and I waited for our moms to join us at our seats. First, Brandon and Savannah performed and Jessie and I have seen them before on R5's LOUD tour in 2013. They played four songs and then announced that they would be at their merch table for the rest of the show saying hi to people and taking pictures. Jessie and I went down there and got our pictures taken with them because we have never gotten a picture with them before. They were super nice and I said to Brandon "Do you remember doing this?" As I showed him this picture...

Brandon: "No way! That was you guys!?"
Me: "Yeah!"
Brandon: "Where was this? At the airport?"
Me: "No, after the RDMA's."
Brandon: "Oh yeah! In the parking garage!"
So that happened. 

Brandon, Savannah and I

We went back to our seats after getting a picture with Brandon and Savannah to watch Ryland DJ. After Ryland was R5. It's just an amazing feeling watching your favorite band live. They totally rocked it. I got some super awesome pictures that I posted on my Instagram - jkyinthesky - if you wanna check them out. (Three of them were liked by Rydel Lynch herself! // I screamed. Seriously. Go check them out.)

The band randomly dancing after the show
(On my computer this shows up as a gif which is super sick.)

After the show, Jessie and I were still a little bit tired but it was such an amazing show. It was my first VIP experience ever and I can't wait until R5's next tour.  The next day, we stopped at an outlet mall on the way home and it was over a hundred and ten degrees. The concert life is one that I love and I wouldn't have changed this weekend for anything. I hope you enjoyed this post on my adventure and tune in next week for more. 

Concerts are just my thing.
- Jillian

Jessie's Blog: heyitsjessicarae.blogspot.com
Instagram: jkyinthesky
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGbmK1d5mDDC_C1t27DSa0w/feed


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