
I have all these drafts for future posts but I had to get something out there right now, at one a.m. on July 1st. This post is about summer; my goals to be exact. I love taking advantage of the time I have during summer to get my priorities straight and do things I love while putting myself out there and trying new things. Here are somethings I hope to accomplish this summer:
(This list only includes what I thought of on the spot at 1:15 in the morning on July 1st, 2015. Also, please excuse my grammar errors if there are any, it's really late.)

1.) Concerts. Lots of 'em. I live for live music.
2.) Endless hours at the beach as often as possible.
3.) Filming, Editing, and Posting.
4.) Reading.
5.) Ride my bike again.
6.) Bonfires and S'mores
7.) Photo shoots.
8.) Watch a sunrise and a sunset (not specifically on the same day)
9.) Go on a road trip. One of my absolute favorite feelings is jamming to music in the car, I don't care where I am in that moment.
10.) Expand my photography skills.
11.) Bake something from scratch.
12.) Finish Hart of Dixie and Gossip Girl (but mainly Hart of Dixie)
13.) Volunteer.
14.) Go outside. (I'm really sick of not seeing kids in the neighborhood play anymore. What is with society???)
15.) Not give a damn about fitting someone's standards besides my own.
16.) Write my thoughts. I learned this year how important it is to write, especially your thoughts because in the future, they can be eye-opening. Plus it's cool to see how far you've come.
17.) Detox from the people who aren't genuine.
18.) Feel good.
19.) Prepare for the future IN MY OWN WAY, ON MY OWN PACE.
20.) Adventure, Explore, Live Life.

This summer just started two weeks ago and I'm excited to grow as a person and start changing into the person I strive to be. I'm excited to learn and develop more interests as well as making endless memories with my friends. Summer 2015, let's see what we can accomplish. 

- Jillian

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