Jillian's Good Reads

It's all over. Finals, stress, Junior year; It's all over. I'm sorry I've been gone for so long but I'm back. I'm now a senior. Wow. So now for today's post…

read. It's really fun when you find a genre you like. I tend to go towards the fiction books because that's just what I'm interested in. I've been reading a lot recently so I thought I'd share some of my favorite books with you! Especially since it's summer, now you can make more opportunities to read.

Here are some of my recent favorites that I definitely recommend. 

1.) Snapshot - A girl who goes to camp and meets a boy who is hiding a huge part of his life to fit it. -- I really liked this one/

2.) Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality - A girl is known for her great personality but her younger sister is known for her beauty pageant looks. The main character tries to shake things up and learns about inner beauty being much more important. (Confidence)

3.) Girl Online - Online anonymous blogger takes a trip from the UK to New York and comes out of her shell and goes on some new adventures. -- Loooovvvveeeddddd.

4.) Since You've Been Gone - Emily is suspiciously separated from her best friend at the beginning of summer with nothing left but a bucket list that was mailed by her best friend. She spends her whole summer completing the list in hopes of finding her best friend, and ends up finding herself.

5.) How to be Bad - Three girls take a road trip down to Southern Florida with three different motives. This story talks about their journeys along an unforgettable weekend.

6.) eleanor and park - Each chapter is in the point of view of either eleanor or park; just two kids that are very intrigued by each other. They learn about judging books by their covers and how it can stop you from finding exactly what you were missing in life. Even though they physically appear to be different, they find that opposites attract.

These are just some short descriptions of some books that I have recently fallen in love with so hopefully you find them intriguing enough to go read a copy.

Till next time...
- Jillian

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