
Risk. The word has so many negative connotations.

We all get scared of risks. It's known that the outcome could possibly be negative when we hope for one that's positive. We don't like to let ourselves down. But we often let our fear of failure or the possible negative outcome, get in our way of finding a positive outcome instead.

Here's an example of a risk: You're moving to a new place on your own that you've never really been to before. You're leaving everything you've ever known and starting to live your life in a different way.

It's scary to think about.

It's natural that your mind may wander to the negative side of the situation but we just have to remind ourselves to look at the positive side as well. Think of what good can come out of this change.

New friends, new adventures, more knowledge, a greater perspective on the world, new opportunities, the chance to show the world who you are, the chance to experience true happiness and so much more.

The negative side? You learn. Which isn't really that bad when you think about it.

If there's a possibility of you to learn and be happy, then it's worth it to take a risk.

Take a second to think about if you don't take this risk. You'll be in almost the same situation that you're in right now, wondering what would've happened if you took that risk. You'll be where you're comfortable while all your peers and colleagues are out doing greater things. How does that sound? Not the best cup of tea. If it were me, I'd want to be doing great things myself too. I'd be wanting to learn more. And I'd be wanting to start showing the world who I am.

I'd take the risk.

- Jillian

P.S. You can do it. I believe in you.


  1. 'Trying' produces 'Results'; not trying produces 'Nothing'.
    That is why we believe in You.


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