Series Finale

You know that feeling you get when you finish the last episode of the last season of your favorite show? When you question the universe and feel slightly depressed like there's nothing else to do with your life and you just don't know what's next?

Me too.

I feel like I'm currently at that point in my life. I'm not entirely sure what's next and it's slightly depressing.

Of course the universe decided to save the best season for last and I'm having a difficult time imagining a new show any better than this last one. Ok. I get that this is a really weird way to describe what I'm feeling but it's clear to me. Instead of always relating a chapter of a book to a part of my life, this series finale is the end of this storyline before I begin a new one.

All I know is that the next storyline is going to be extremely different and I'm not quite ready for it yet. I'm still comfortable in the routine that I've been watching for the past however many seasons. This new show is going to take place with a new setting with new characters and a new plot.  But I've fallen in love with the story that was written. There may be a couple cameos from characters in the last series and I may return to where the old show would take place, but the plot is different. Welcome to a spin off from my own life. This is something you won't find on Netflix.

I was never the best with dealing with my favorite shows ending but I'll keep watching anyway.

Till next season
- Jillian


  1. If you loved what your favorite character was doing in the previous show, maybe you can think about or imagine and get excited about what lies next for them: to face, deal with, conquer, experience, enjoy...Kind of like: what was the name of that girl who solved a mystery in one book and then, in her next book, solved another mystery and then another and another -- one book after another. Okay, maybe it wasn't exactly a show, but, you get the idea. Something lies ahead and it's exciting to think what it could be. Life..let's see what happens. Maybe?


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