Forever Friends

If we're lucky, we have that friend where no matter how long it's been since we've hung out with them, it feels like not one day has passed since the last time we saw them. It's never uncomfortable and no matter what you end up doing, you always have the best time. Schedules may not coincide with each other but it doesn't effect your bond. This is what a true friendship is. This is also when friends become family. Friendship is one of the most important things in the world to me because I see friendship as not only having someone to share special moments in life with, but I see friendship as an opportunity to better yourself and your world. With a good friend by your side, your personality can shine as you bring out the best in each other as well as make memories you'll never forget along the way. I've realized throughout high school, especially this year, that when you find a good friend, you should never let them go. There are definitely things such as fake friends and sometimes it takes a while to spot one that's true. (WARNING: Fake friends DON'T bring out the best in you, they actually bring out the worst. Take care of yourself and if you fall under the trap of a fake friend, you can always free yourself.) A true friend won't make you question their honesty. A true friend won't be ok watching you suffer. Forever friends are a gift.

Luckily, I have someone in my life who falls under this level of friendship. Her name is Emily and we've been close friends since we met in Kindergarten. She's always been a positive influence on me and she's been there for me through the roughest of times. She brings out the absolute best in me and the Universe did me a favor by having our paths cross over thirteen years ago. She's my sister.

"You two have such an incredible bond. Whenever you get together, it's like you've never spent any time apart." - Barbara (Emily's mom)

Emily is such an important person in my life. We've shared some of the best memories together. Wether it was learning to sail, singing together in our school's talent show, or just going out with our mom's on errands, Emily makes life fun. I forget about my problems for a little while as I just enjoy laughing with someone I share so much in common with. People have actually asked if we were related because we have similar attributes and personality traits. When people see us in public, they come up to us and ask. Maybe in some lifetime, we were true blood sisters. I wouldn't doubt it.

In just three weeks, Emily and I are graduating high school together. Another chapter of our lives is coming to a close. I'm fortunate enough to be able to celebrate our upcoming accomplishment together; in a double grad party. Maybe that's just something that siblings do but like I said; we're sisters.

Here's what 13 years of friendship looks like, side by side.

Thirteen Years Later

Looking forward to more memories and more years of friendship with this girl. 

Call or Text an old friend this week, check in on 'em. You never know. They could be a forever friend.

- Jillian

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