
It's been a while... Sorry about that. Anyway, I'm graduating high school in just a few weeks and this year has been crazy. I've grown so much as a person and I've lived a lot of life in a short amount of time. To be honest, I'd like to do the last 355 days over again and change my mistakes. Unfortunately, I can't do that. I'm making it all up as I go. I'm learning from my mistakes. From boys, to family, to friendships, this year has been totally and utterly life changing. I don't know who reads this and I don't know what stage of life you're at but I have a few things to pass on that I've been learning just in the past few months.

1.) Don't take advantage of what you have. It's natural to dream of something better, but leaving behind something genuine, like a friendship, can be a huge mistake. Be there for everyone you can, especially the ones that have stuck by your side through your darkest hours. This year, I found myself in a new friend group and before things started to fall apart, I realized that I may have left my previous "squad" too early. Yes, I had my reasons and yes, I was starting to feel depressed and alone, but I shouldn't have taken what I had with my original squad for granted. And now, I'm about to graduate without them. So... Lesson learned.

2.) Be the bigger person no matter how much you want to retaliate. Trust me. Karma has your back. If someone has wronged you, that doesn't mean you have the right to do the same in return. The universe rewards positive energy and getting back at the girl who became a fake friend will not help you, it will only hurt you. Luckily, I learned this lesson the easy way, by seeing how Karma does it's thing for you.

3.) Take every opportunity you have to try new things, meet new people and get involved. I've met so many new, and kind people this year. I've made so many incredible connections. You don't have to go crazy and go to every single event that you hear of, but going to a party here and there or even a few school sporting events can show you a whole new world of connections. Join a team or a club, talk to the new kid at school, get involved with your grade. It can only help you in the long run.

4.) Childhood and High School goes by fast. Embrace this time and don't forget who you are in today's society. Just last night, I was looking at some old photos from 2007 and they were of myself, running around a park, rolling down hills and laughing. I miss who I was. I miss the way I saw things. I miss those days. Well, we can't turn back time, but we can always try and remember who we were and where we came from. Try to make memories that you can always look back on with a smile because this is an important chapter in your life. It's the beginning.

5.) People may see you a little bit differently than how you see yourself. I'm going to be completely honest with you. I've been extremely down the past few months. I like to consider myself somewhat positive, but I've been in terribly sad moods. Yet, people tell me literally all the time that I'm such a happy person. I honestly don't get it because I'm not happy that often anymore. I don't know if I just cover up my pain or if they just don't read into things like I do, but that's not how I see myself. I find it so interesting how someone can look so happy and joyful, yet feel so broken on the inside. Hmmm. It's different.

Don't worry, I'll be back soon.


  1. It is very human for someone to experience the doubt and uncertainty of life's future. Life, and the future, are full of mysteries. I have found that once someone begins to care for others; life's mysteries will begin to unwind themselves.
    Commenting on your words;

    Item 1 - Words spoken from someone with knowledge
    Item 2 - Words spoken from someone with wisdom
    Item 3 - Words offered as advice
    Item 4 - Words echoed by Ferris Bueller
    Item 5 - Words spoken from someone so acutely human.

    (My Item 6 - Words offered by your very proud Father :):)


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