A Shipwrecked Story

My mom, a family friend and I went to Coronado beach yesterday during low tide, where there is a 300-foot boat shipwrecked on the beach. I love the beach so going down to the water and seeing such a cool sight made this such a good day. Recently, I've been feeling kind of beaten down and broken and this little trip helped me open my eyes to what I forgot I was all about as an individual; Seeing the good rather than the bad. My positivity was diminished and I honestly didn't think there was anything I could do to get my point of view regarding life back but this shipwreck reminded me that there really is beauty in everything. It may be broken down and buried but it still holds incredible stories to uncover. 

Here's some photos that I took of what was visible as well as some beach finds:

The ship was called the SS Monte Carlo and it was from Long Beach in the 1930's that was used near the end of prohibition in the United States for gambling and prostitution. In fear that they would get caught, they sailed it down to San Diego in 1936. In the early morning of New Years Day 1937, a storm hit which broke the boat's chain resulting in it crashing to shore in Coronado. When El Niño hit in 2016, it swept away sand from Coronado Beach where the Monte Carlo was found 80 years later. Ok, it may not be the prettiest story, but it sure is cool.

- Jillian

Instagram: @jillianybarra/@jkyinthesky


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