Just Some Values

Hey y'all,
One of my professors recently gave us an ice breaker where we had to choose 3-5 values from the list that were important to us and we had to describe why they meant so much to ourselves. I thought I'd share the values that I chose that I felt were important. I hope that this post can just remind us of all the things that we believe are important so we can appreciate and live by the lessons that we've learned more often.

1.) Change and variety: Some people aren't so fond regarding the idea of change which is totally ok. However, I've learned how important it is to be open to a variety of different things. Change is scary but it can often bring amazing things into our lives. Accepting change is easier said than done but it's important that we try and remember the good that can come from it.

2.) Learn to take risks: If you don't try, you'll never know.

3.) Maintaining balance in life: Personally, I don't see the benefit to working 24/7. I think that taking time for yourself is necessary to not only be a well rounded person but also to have the best mental and physical health that you possibly can. There is a happy medium between working hard and loosing your sanity.

4.) Quality relationships: Whether it's a relationship  that's between you and yourself or you and a family member or friend, we all need someone in our lives whether we'd like to admit it or not. Also, if you're a good friend to others, you will attract those who will be a good friend to you. Relationships of all kind are a two way street and shouldn't be taken for granted in my opinion.

5.) We are all equal: Recently I was in a situation where I was not treated like an equal and it really showed me how important it is to treat everyone with respect because we're all human. It really affected me on a personal level which is why I believe that this is an important value.

- Jillian


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