Change was always something that was difficult for me to handle. I would deal with it as it came into my life but this year and the last half of 2016 shook me up real good. 2017 was full of big changes. Every step I took led me to a new place. First, it led me home to spend my Spring semester at a community college. Then, my next step led me to having a consistent job where I worked most of my summer. Finally, I took the step to attend a different University where I started all over again but as a second year. These were some of the key events that I faced during my 2017 that began to turn my world yet again. Starting over is great and all, but I guess I wasn't totally prepared for it. I didn't know about all the little forks in the road that come up because of the bigger steps that I decided to take. Yet again, I tried to take these challenges as they came into my life no matter how impossible they seemed to get through.

My mentality was heavily bruised this past year. It sucks to admit, but it happened. I was tired of feeling so down so I finally began the timely process of taking action. I truly thought that how I felt would just come and go but after almost a year and a half, I began to believe that I had to do something in order to fix it. It wasn't going to go away on its own. I'm still in the early period of the process of taking action and I know that issues will most likely not be resolved overnight. But progress is coming sooner than later because of this step I took.

On New Years Eve, I woke up in a strange mood with a strange thought that had never come to mind before that day. I wondered what the big deal was with celebrating the New Year. Yes, it's technically the beginning of a new chapter but when you wake up on New Years Day, your life isn't automatically going to be different. Another trip around the sun is a birthday, right? I was talking about this with someone and we realized that the New Year is often viewed as a day where people set new goals. Some people don't wait until the New Year to set goals for change, but some see this day as a set day for a new beginning or a set day for a new journey to begin. Celebrating the New Year is very important to some people because you can make it whatever you want it to be. You can make it a new beginning. You can celebrate the beginning/end of a chapter. You can even make it the day you start working on bettering yourself and working towards your future.

2017... Chapter 19... Was draining. However there were some moments that made me feel joyful, happy and free. Writing helps me reflect on those times and realize all the good things that I've experienced within the last year. No matter how tough it's been to get through the darker times, I'm lucky that I also had some brighter days. I'll constantly be working on sending out good vibes to the Universe so that this Chapter has more brighter days than darker ones.

Some highlights of 2017
The big changes in my life have began to settle. I'll be turning this next period of my life into a time spent on progressing and moving forward from the smaller changes that are a result of the big steps that I made in 2017. 

To the beginning of progress...

- Jillian

Instagram: @jillianybarra/@jkyinthesky
Latest YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/qGSs4kaUvTE


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