Photo Journal: Abroad 2018

          Here's my photo journal from my trip to Europe this summer. These are some of my favorite photos that I took while over there and they highlight the majority of the adventures that I was able to experience in Paris and Barcelona.

apartment views
the commute to class

notre dame

intricate details

five million steps later

view one of many


view 2 of many

amarino or nothing

view 3 of many

a castle in a land far, far away

it's a mad tea party at disneyland paris

inside the castle

champs elysees

the tiffany & co. of desserts

church of mary magdalene 

ceiling art

andy wahloo's

the most beautiful church i've ever seen

la sagrada familia

the trails above park guell

strolling through the barcelona streets

louvre this sight

car rides to museums

the kiss - rodin 

tuileries garden

exploring routes on the way home

le marais

stepping into the unknown and unexpected

what a show

If you're interested in reading about my experience abroad, my previous blog post is all about that. These photos capture some of the most incredible memories that I've had so far in my life and in reality hold so many memories that I'm so lucky to hold.

Until my next adventure

- Jillian

instagram: @jillianybarra/@jkyinthesky
newest youtube video: ladygunn magazine cover release vlog -


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