21st Birthday Celebration

On October 27th, I turned 21.

I'm not big on having a birthday party or anything of that sort. I'd much rather spend my day with people I love while doing something I love. Last year, that was going to concerts all weekend. This year, it consisted of days spent at Disney.

Some of you may know that I had a Disney pass a year and a half or so ago. I had my pass for two years and was bummed when I couldn't immediately renew it once it expired. I told myself that I would renew my pass on the next Disney day I had planned. That just so happened to be the weekend of my 21st birthday. My parents, boyfriend, best friend and I spent the whole weekend at the happiest place on earth. My dream was to wake up on my 21st in one of the Disney hotels and get some Mickey Waffles for breakfast. I was lucky enough to have that dream come true.

This was a big trip for me. It was my first time seeing Galaxy's Edge, my first time at Pixar Pier, and also my first time being legal.

Saturday, was our first day which we spent in California Adventure. After a year and a half of it being open, I was able to explore Pixar Pier! It was also my boyfriend's first time seeing that along with Cars Land so I was excited to show him the cutest little town in Carburetor County. It was interesting because I hadn't realized that so many little things had changed around both of the parks since the last time I was there. It made me feel like I was no longer a "local" and that there's a lot more new things I have to explore.

At Pixar Pier

Lheanna and I

My parents, being iconic

My parents and I

Sunday was my 21st birthday which we spent in Disneyland. On our way through DownTown Disney, we stopped at Starbucks. We were greeted in line by a cast member who asked if we were celebrating anything on this Disney day. My friends said that it was my 21st and she teased that she would get the whole shop to sing to me. I felt special but also scared. My name was called for my drink and as I was walking up, the barista started singing along with the rest of the employees and customers. It was a very special moment for sure. We met up with my parents and hung out in Disneyland which included exploring Galaxy's Edge. I finally got to see the Millenium Falcon and I was even interrogated by storm troopers and Kylo Ren.

Mickey Waffles for Breakfast!

Walking in to the parks with birthday Starbucks

My boyfriend and I


Strolling through Fantasyland

First time at Galaxy's Edge

Being sassy to Kylo Ren

We went back to our hotel to get ready for dinner at Steakhouse 55 in the Disneyland Hotel. Dinner was amazing and I ordered my first legal drink, an antioxidant lemonade. Our waitress even brought out a Mickey Mouse cake for me! After dinner, we went back into the park for a few hours to make it to some rides that we didn't get to earlier in the day. It was a good decision that we went back because the longest line we waited in was supposedly 20 minutes! The most we waited was probably 10 minutes and we just walked on for some rides.

Fancy Menus


The man who started it all

Mickey Mouse Cake!

Back at the park

Monday was the day we were leaving but we spent it back in California Adventure. I really wanted to try the Lamplight Lounge and figured we'd wait until I was 21 so that I could order a drink. We had amazing food, drinks, and service. When we got there, the waiter asked if I had figured out what I liked yet. I said no and he made a suggestion that he could surprise me with a drink and if I didn't like it, he'd get me a new one, no charge. He brought me the "Mulholland" and it was amazing. (Shout out to Bryan from Lamplight Lounge)

Lamplight Lounge


Pixar Ball Wall

After spending some more time in California Adventure, we headed over to Disney to close out the trip. Disney is one of my happy places. Walt intended for the park to be an escape from reality to let go of whatever's going on and be a place where kids and adults can have fun. He definitely succeeded. Every time I go to the parks, I'm filled with so much genuine joy. With a lot of stresses and pressures in my life, Disney has always been one of the most effective ways for me to relieve any of those feelings or just put me in a better mood. I'm so glad that I was able to spend my 21st birthday at the happiest place on earth and share it with people that I love.


- Jillian

instagram: @jkyinthesky
latest youtube video: https://youtu.be/phAFeurSaKY

P.S. Birthday at Disney vlog coming soon!


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