Year Four

It's time for my fourth annual college post...

I'm halfway through the fall semester of my fourth year of college. School has always been hard for me. I'm not good at tests and I prefer to do my learning outside of a classroom setting. But I've been forcing myself through it. Ever since the beginning, it's taken a major toll on my mental health. This year is no exception.

Although I've been growing more towards the person I want to be, it's been difficult. Since last March, I've been trying to balance school and the new job I was lucky to get in the industry I'm working in. This balance has been tricky. I started skipping more classes, turning in assignments late and showing up to school with two hours of sleep. I know a lot of college students have to take on this balance too, it just doubled my stress load and led me to struggle in a new way. I so badly wanted to quit school. I thought about it everyday. I still think about. Everyone at work would tell me that I need to finish. Even though my foot is in the door, they kept telling me to keep going. I was trying to tell myself that too. I made it so far and I'm so close to graduating, that thought has been the only thing keeping me from quitting.

I have this opportunity in my hands to get a degree. So many people would dream for this chance that I have. Even though school takes such a huge toll on me, I couldn't let this opportunity go. I'm trying my best to stay optimistic, be grateful, and believe that this experience will have helped me grow in the best way possible. I'm just still worried that there won't be as many pro's than con's. I'm still clinging on to hope that the past four years have been worth it. It's my last year and it's too late to go back now. The end of my last fall semester is very quickly approaching. Then I have less than six months left. Less than six months until I'm done with college forever and I can say I did it even though I constantly feel like I can't. It'll be a new milestone that I'm sure I'll be proud of.

It's hard for me to get myself to go to campus everyday. But I'm doing it.

One last year


- Jillian

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