Thoughts on Giving

Giving gifts is important to me. I follow my mother in this category, always trying to make gifts super special and personal. I don't like asking "What do you want for Christmas because it just shows that you don't know enough about the person to pick something out. I get when family needs to know because you don't see them all the time, but for some reason a small part of me takes just an ounce of offense to the simple question. Don't get me wrong, I have to ask the question myself. I just feel a bit guilty when the question is my last option. But the little gifts that you can give can mean as much or more than the bigger gifts. Now that I'm writing, it seems hard to explain, but I just love giving. It can make you feel like you have some kind of power that everyone can benefit from. I know not everyone is able to give like some can but little things can be very beneficial. For example, last week, my AP English teacher had us cook a meal completely by ourselves for an adult that we live with and then we were to take a selfie with them and the food in front of them. When she received some of the pictures the day it was due, she recognized the gratitude in every adults' face. I could tell to. I made a simple meal of a scrambled egg, bacon and toast for my mom and before she even took one bite, she gave me a big hug. Small and thoughtful things are what truly make a difference. Don't forget to give this season and show people you care. Remember to give thanks throughout the entire year, not just on holidays because life is unpredictable and you have to live life without regrets. Hopefully you decide to give something back to someone that is important to you and remember to never take anything for granted. I'll have another post before Christmas but for now...
                                                                 Happy Holidays. 

Also, there's something I recommend you do to help spread holiday cheer. There's a little girl from Utah who has been diagnosed with a life threatening disease and her family is trying to make her (possibly last) Christmas, filled with a lifetime of Christmas cards. Send a Holiday card to this little girl and her family to help lift their spirits this December. (link to her story with more information --->)

Just some kind words...

Till next time
- Jillian


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