New Year, Revised Outlook

So welcome to 2015. I hope this year is amazing to everyone and not only brings joy, but perspective and opportunity. Today, I'm talking about my outlook for the new year. I like the word outlook better than resolutions, don't you? Anyway, I already had beliefs about how I should act and live as a person but on occasion, I find myself falling out of routine. So this year, I've decided to really stay true to my own personality and be more confident with who I am. My revised outlook is pretty self explanatory. I don't really show my outlook very much; it's more in my head. I'd rather the world know my outlook than just myself. What'll happen if no one knows what you think? Nothing. So, my revised outlook for 2015 is to keep living life and taking any opportunity that comes my way that I feel is best for me. It may sound cliche but I just want to live my life as much as I can. I don't want this year to be filled with regrets. "I should have." will not be in my vocabulary this year. I'm going to go out there, be myself, and do what I love.
Even though it might be hard for me to take every opportunity, I will always try. I'm now 16 and my interests are growing and I'm learning about the world one step at a time. I don't know everything but living my life will help me learn more.
This year, I will not get in the way of myself being happy. Why knock yourself down? Exactly. There is no reason to push yourself down. I will only encourage myself and the people around me to do what you love and aspire to achieve your largest goals.
No regrets. If there's something I wanna try, I'm not gonna second guess myself. I'm going for it.
I can only persuade and encourage you so much to live your life. It's all up to you. So 2015 is here no matter what and I'm going to continue to wow myself. Dress for myself, be confident in myself, be myself.
Create your legacy.

If you would like to see a Recap video of my 2014, here's the link on my YouTube channel. Thanks for reading and watching.

Till the day I'm actually scheduled to post...
- Jillian


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