A Quick Little Life Update... Or...

SO... Life is crazy, as we all know. I haven't been posting for a long periodically time (if you get that, you da real mvp) so I wanted to apologize to those of you who listen to all I have to say. I am very sorry. So now on to the actual post... 

I'M SO EXCITED FOR SUMMER. I've been extremely stressed the pass couple of months so I am very much looking forward to summer. Recently, I have been studying for tests, doing all the work I can, and more studying for tests. To be honest, when I think of why I haven't been able to write, it's because I have been working my butt of to get decent grades on some tests. Life gets difficult and I am definitely not the person to sit around and wait for things to happen so I've been trying to avoid stress, drama and other negative things that can roll around. (Obviously I don't like drama, I've just been trying to fill the holes of where it could possibly seep in.) For some reason, recently I've felt lost. Truthfully, recently I haven't been as happy as I was earlier this year so it's just added to my stress. It's also given me another reason to be excited for summer. I don't think I've ever been this confused about who I am as a person and I'm doing my best to fix it. I've also felt more alone which isn't really a good feeling so again, I've been trying to fix it.

So I've been reading a lot recently. I'm really into the teen fiction. (Not Twilight or any of that stuff) And when I start reading one of those books, I get really into it and I can finish it in 3-4 school days. It's really great. Let me know if you want me to write a post about all the books I've fell in love with recently. 

Spotify is still an obsession of mine and I'm totally ok with it. I feel bad for the people at school who might think I'm mean. The reason I say this is because I'm always listening to music. Like ALWAYS. If I'm not listening to music during class, I turn it on as my teacher is done talking and it stays on until I'm in my next class. If anyone from my school stumbles upon my blog for any odd reason, I promise, I'm not avoiding anyone I just really really love music. I swear I like to think I'm a nice person.

I feel like my world is currently a mess. I keep telling myself "You're lucky, it could be worse!" but I seem to keep on sympathizing for myself which I think is completely natural. It makes me feel like I'm a bad person when I feel bad for myself but I just need to remind myself that it's just something that everyone does when they have a problem and taking care of yourself isn't being a bad person at all. I do realize how lucky I am though.  

I love inspirational quotes and posts but it's so much easier said than done. I'm trying to focus on my happiness but still be a kind person to everyone. I'm trying to not care about what anyone thinks about me. I'm trying to live my own life. It's difficult getting yourself to take your own advice. And sometimes you just need a hug.  Life is just so difficult but I was put here for a reason, wether I know what that reason is or not. 

So basically... I love music, I've been reading and hard at work for school, I've felt a little lost... Yay, life! Really though, I know I'll get through this stress and it's just another lesson that the universe needs me to learn. I honestly don't even know what kind of post this was but thank you for listening and I promise to have a super fun post for you next week! 

Here's a picture I took upstairs in a thrift store window. // 5/20/15

- Jillian

Newest YouTube Video: Music Tag - https://youtu.be/xKYsjQ5vFh0
Instagram: jkyinthesky


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