New Changes

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. I've been running non stop trying to not only set up my future, but also improve my present. So here's the rundown:

I left my previous university to attend a community college for the semester while I hear back from possible institutions that I could be accepted to for the Fall. I'm getting golf back in my life as much as I can since it's something I'm still passionate about after all these years. I started experiencing a case of minor depression during my first semester of school and it started to diminish my personality and everything I was proud of regarding the person I had become. People noticed that I was not being myself in everyday situations. Therefore, my health and happiness was a main factor in making a decision to incorporate these changes that I've started to make recently. I know 18 is a little later than usual, but I am about to take my driver's test within this upcoming month. I learned a lot about independence while I was at school and it's one of the greatest gifts that I've been given. I'm basically working on expanding my knowledge of the things that come with being an adult while I continue my education and go on new adventures, some even by myself. I'm changing.

Change has always been a subject that has both scared me yet excited me at the same time. Not all changes are positive but I've learned to look at the negative ones as just another learning experience. I believe that every storm runs outta rain. Therefore, these changes that I'm making can only improve my life and I'm anxious to see where it leads me.

So these are just some of the new changes that are being brought into my life and here's to a happy future and a memorable present.

- Jillian

Instagram: @jillianybarra


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