2016 was a hell of a ride. Many things changed for me throughout the year and then some things came around full circle. Another year full of learning and I couldn't be more grateful. I despise dreading on the negative things that have come my way, but looking back at them from time to time reminds me of how they have only made me stronger, smarter and wiser.

I feel like a constant message in my pieces that I share with you are often involving the concept of staying positive as well as taking the negative situations and interpreting them to be a positive life lesson. I know it's not the easiest thing in the world to do, but we're all human. What else would you expect?

Whenever I enter a time of my life that is the "hardest", "worst", or "most depressing", I look back and realize that it was one of the most important and best times of my life because of what I went through and how I took the experiences to grow as a person. This year picked me up, knocked me down, tossed me around and even sent me to cloud 9 and I wouldn't have changed one thing. I've experienced acceptance, love, adventure and so much more. Unfortunately, I've also seen the opposite side. I've experienced lack of acceptance, love, adventure and so much more. What a trip that 2016 has taken me on. It made me so grateful for the life I've been living up till this point and how important to me that acceptance, love, adventure are to me. 2016 was so generous to me and I feel so lucky to have been on the journey that I have. Easily the greatest, most memorable year of my life. I owe it all to the people that I've encountered in my life, the places I've been fortunate enough to embrace and each experience that's added to this chapter of my life. So thank you to all and everything who have made an impact on me this year. Your presence has not gone unnoticed.

I could go on and on, listing all the things I've done and all the people that have helped me grow into who I am but I don't know if this website has a character limit or not. I'll try not to look back too much, for I might miss what's right in front of me, but it may be a little difficult since I'm still head over heels with all the memories I've made. I shouldn't say this but I will anyway because that's just who I am. I would do it all over again, but I can't. I can't miss out on this year. So here's to 2017 and all it has in store. I have absolutely no clue where I'm headed but this last year has set the bar for all the things I have yet to experience.

Only some of the highlights of 2016 out of too many to count

Chapter 19... 2017... Please be another amazing one.

- Jillian

Keep up with me
Instagram: @jillianybarra


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