Who Am I?

I just took my brownies out of the oven and I've been thinking a lot recently about who I am as a person versus who I used to be as well as the similarities that are still associated to me being me to this day. So, I thought I would tell you a bit about myself in this post, but this a'int your typical "Get to Know Me" kinda thing. Here we go...

Hi. My name is Jillian Ybarra and I am an 18 year old girl who loves positivity and optimism. I take the greatest leaps of faith when it seems like I have no faith left to spare. I use every hard ship that I've encountered and I transform it into a lesson that has helped me grow into who I am today. I have a slightly mature sense of humor yet there's those times where I'll laugh at the dumbest things and become as giddy as a little kid. I smile at whoever I make eye contact with. I become brave in the instances where everyone else is scared. I normally dance around when no one's watching but sometimes I get caught. I try and help out my friends whenever they need it because I believe that everyone deserves respect and love. I've become more comfortable with change throughout the past five months than I could've ever imagined. I like being dependent on myself as I've began to step out on my own as myself and as an adult. I know that being able to love yourself is one of the greatest lessons one can learn especially when moving into a new place or chapter of your life. I am someone who used to be too dependent on other people but now being alone doesn't bother me and that people are supposed to teach you something while they're in your life. They may come around again, who knows. Everyday, I reflect on how grateful I am for everything that's been in my life, as well as everything that has been consistent in my life. If I find the right book, I could get lost in it so easily, I won't put it down until I've read the last page. I like experiencing new and old thrills whether I'm in the sky or on the ground surrounded by others who feel the same as I do. I believe that everyone's opinions and beliefs should be respected, not put down or threatened. I love the feeling of vulnerability and it fills me with so much joy when people feel comfortable enough around me to show me what being vulnerable looks like to them. I appreciate those who show courage and a helping hand when I am too weak to do just that. I think about everything, all the time, no matter where I am or what I'm doing; whether it's related to what I'm in the midst of all that or not. My "normal" is diversity and I feel sorry for those who are aliens to that kind of environment. I am making big decisions and changes to better myself, my education, my future and my overall quality of life. If people can't accept that, then that's ok. I don't know where I'll end up but I don't want to get off this ride quite yet. To be continued since I'm still finding out...

- Jillian

Follow me on the Instagram!!!: @jillianybarra


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