Halloween Mayhem

I hope everyone had a spooktacular Halloween. Here's what went down on Friday October 31st, 2014 in Jillian's world...

Where do I begin. The school story will be kept short and sweet because just writing about it is making me tired. We had a party in math. (Because most of the class got a certain precentage on the last test.) But it was also halloween so why not make it a halloween party? After school I went home, procrastinated and then struggled to find a costume for the night.
The struggle was....
I was going to order a tan dress to cut and make into my Pocahontas costume. I ordered the dress two weeks before Halloween and my mom added the quickest shipping so it should've came a few days later. It was two days before Halloween and it still hasn't come. My mom went to check the tracking info to find that it wasn't supposed to get here until the day after Halloween... My mom was really mad. So, I had to find something in my closet last minute. After consulting a friend, I was trying to decide betweet a coachella go-er or a goddess. I decided to be a goddess because coachella go-er would be hard for people to guess. Here's a look at my extremely last minute costume...

My Makeup:
 My Hair
 Overall Look:
And a candid...
I went to my friend's house where my friends and I ate pizza, Halloween themed snacks and deserts while watching a movie. We decided to actually do something instead of sitting home alone so this was a successful Halloween for me.
I hope you guys did something fun and I would love to hear about it. Leave a comment.

Till next week... Or the middle of the week...You'll just have to check back and see.
- Jillian


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