Today marks the two week mark of me being an official adult.

That's so scary. But I was a child just days ago!I've been adulating for at least a few months now but now there's a few more things that I'm now able to do. Like...

GOING TO MORE CONCERTS, and voting, and buying scratchers etc.

Anyway, I've already learned a lot in these first 18 years but I know that this is nothing compared to what I'm going to know someday. To be completely honest, I couldn't see myself older than 17 and so far, 18 doesn't feel much different yet. As you know if you've read any of my previous posts, especially from the last 8 months or so, life's been an adventure. So many things have changed and as I've barely begun to grow older, but I've been accepting that it's ok. It's life. Maybe I'm getting wiser! How exciting! This new year is going to be something good for me. I'm not sure why just yet, but I can tell.

As for how celebrating goes, I went to Disneyland (what a shock) with not only some school friends but I also got to go a second time with my parents. Also, I got a really nice steak dinner; a great break from hitting up the caf three times a week at school.

So here's a few photos from my first moments being 18...

Still young and sweet?

- Jillian


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