Muse in the Music: Maroon 5

About 13 years later, I finally got to see one of my favorite music groups of all time. I've been listening to Maroon 5 since I was maybe 4 or 5. I vividly remember getting picked up from preschool by my mom and they were always playing on the radio. Listening to their "Songs About Jane" album as a kid is one of the ways I fell in love with singing. Some friends and I went to an event in LA called the "Air BnB Open". There were pop up shops, food trucks, a concert and a screening of Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling's new movie. "La La Land" Maroon 5 was the headliner for the concert and after they finished their set, LADY GAGA came out and surprised us with two songs on the piano, releasing my inner 7th grader. My friends and I were lucky enough to make it up to the 5th or 6th row (s/o to that guy who was 6 foot 4 and almost directly in my line of vision most of the time but it's chill). Either way, I got to see Maroon 5.

Without Maroon 5 and their Song's About Jane album, my love for singing and music wouldn't be as great as it is today. They are one of the bands that shaped me into who I am and I will forever be in love with their music. I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to go to this event and I'm still in complete awe from the amazing performers that rocked the stage Saturday night.

(All photos are taken by me, Jillian Ybarra)

Instagram: @jillianybarra/@jkyinthesky

Stay livin'

- J


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