Credo: 5 Lessons

As an assignment for one of my classes, I had to choose five life lessons that I've learned so far in my 18 years of life and share the story of one of them with the class. I love quotes and sayings so it was really difficult for me to narrow it down. Since I write about my life lessons all the time, I figured why not post my project on my blog to share with you. For some reason, I've really been struggling with what lessons to mention and how to put them into words. So, I tried by best and this is what I got.

Here are some of the life lessons I've learned so far:

1.) If you miss out on life, they win.
2.) It's better to leave a mirror broken than to hurt yourself trying to fix it.
3.) Everything happens for a reason and sometimes the past echoes in the future
4.) You attract the right things when you have a sense of who you are.
5.) Sometimes the thing you most want doesn't happen and sometimes the thing you never expect to happen, does.

I've decided to focus on number 5 with a tiny bit of all of the other ones mixed in. This is because of how strongly it impacted my life and I'm bad at decisions.

Senior year, I branched out from the group of friends I kept all of middle school and high school to get to know other people in my class that I was going to graduate with. I've always been an open minded person and after being shy the first two and a half years of high school, I decided to be courageous and try something new. There was a new girl in a couple of my classes so one day, I introduced myself and started to strike up a conversation. The bell rang for lunch and I asked if she wanted to sit with my and my best friend Sam. She said that she became friends with a few guys and that she'd love if we came and sat with her there. Sam and I tagged along to find that we had already had a small connection with the guys that our new friend was sitting with. Days went on and Sam and I continued to sit with this group. Then one day, my friend Hannah who was a junior, as well as some of her other friends, wanted to sit with me at lunch. I invited them over to where Sam and I had started to make some new friends and eventually they came to join us. We had developed a group of friends that I wasn't able to see myself living without. We were a squad.

Time went on, memories were made, events had occurred. I had never been happier. Around the middle of January, a conflict brewed between me and one of my closest guy friends. We were not on the same page. Shortly after our conflict and some teenage drama produced in our group for no reason, I had lost my friend and the rest of my friend group started to slowly fall piece by piece. Luckily, I had other friends not in my little group to help me through this time, but it was still extremely hard for me because I value friendship and loyalty more than almost anything. I'm the kind of person that would always try and find a way to fix things. I felt that if you tried, you could fix what ever the problem is. So there I was, trying to fix the mirror I didn't expect to ever crack. It took me a longer time that I would've hoped to get over the fact that there was nothing I could do and I just had to force myself to learn that things happen. While trying to do everything I could think of to put back the pieces, I realized I was only hurting myself more. Dreading something I have no control over would only take a toll on me. So for the first time in my entire life, I chose not to fix the mirror. I, too, needed to move on with my life. However, going through this hardship brought true friends I didn't expect to make and also lead to some of the absolute best memories I could've ever imagined with some of my favorite people in the entire world. I've always believed that everything happens for a reason and now I have proof. Recently I've been in contact with some of my senior year friends and it seems that we have just paused our friendship. These people have taught me so much about being a friend and living life to the fullest so who knows where life will lead from here for all of us.

- J


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