Never Know What Ya Got Till It's Gone

This is so true. We're so lucky to be able to have so many things in our lives and we more often than not take for granted what we have. My school is in a complete desert. Yeah, there's a community but it's very hot and very inland. I grew up about 15 minutes at most away from the beach. Ocean breeze was a constant thing in my life and so was being able to sit on the sand and watch the waves crash whenever I felt like it. I can't do that anymore. I don't have the easy capability to do one of my favorite things in the world anymore. It shows you what really matters to one's self when something in our life changes and we're forced to be without things we always knew we had. The ocean wasn't going anywhere. But I did. I knew I would miss the cliffs and the beach when I was gone, but I didn't realize to the full extent how much being away from the ocean would affect me. This is just one example of me realizing that I didn't know what I had until it, or I, was gone.

Catch me in the desert this winter.

- Jillian


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