Acceptance and Diversity

I've recently found that it can be near impossible to make people accept you. It's difficult going to a new place and having the majority of people just brush you off because you're not like them in one way or another. That's another thing that I've dealt with in the past however many months. Wether we like it or not, there will be people like this in our lives. I've tried my best to be accepting and open minded towards those that I have crossed paths with and it makes it extremely difficult to do so when they don't do the same in return. But I can't control other people. No matter how much I'd appreciate it if they would take the chance to get to know me, some won't. I am now taking charge of this situation and I'm in the process of moving myself to a place with less structure where I can really be myself and not feel threatened by being different than those around me. I am moving to a place where differences are embraced and encouraged. I am moving to a place that is filled with more diversity. I grew up in a diverse community while going to a diverse public school up until I graduated last year. This change has made me come to realize how much I appreciate my background and how I've been taught throughout my entire life to accept and get to know others, no matter what differences we may have. I grew up with the ability to be different and not being used to having people look at me as someone who doesn't belong. Being mixed with our peers wether it was through class rankings, ethnicity or religion, allowed us to be more openminded. That was our "normal". Change is good, it can teach us something, we've been over this. But this time, it taught me that I belong in a diverse environment. I can't change the point of views around me, but I can change how they affect me. And I intend to do so. I've tried dismissing how I'm perceived but it took such a toll on me, I can't go on like that any longer. I'm in a place in which I pay to live, eat and learn, it's not worth it. It's not worth the emotional stress when I'm being bombarded by other stressors in my life. Acceptance and diversity are two words that I've recently found hold a lot of value in my life. I just advise those reading to bring more acceptance and diversity into their  life as we are all struggling in one part of our life or another. We don't know what someone else could be going through or how their story has played out so far, so let's not make it any harder for them.

- Jillian


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