Muse in the Music: KROQ's Almost Acoustic Christmas

My childhood dreams have come true. I saw a bunch of the coolest bands that I grew up listening to as well as ones that I've discovered more recently, and all in a two night span. KROQ is a radio station in LA and every year they invite bands to perform for their fans in a huge show celebrating the holiday season. My friend and I were planning on going to night one if the two part event, but a few days before the weekend of a lifetime, we said what the hell, let's just go to both nights! So, that's what we did.

Here's the lineup for both nights that took place at the Forum:

Night 1:
Kings of Leon
Jimmy Eat World
X Ambassadors
The Srumbrellas

Night 2:
Green Day
Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness
Bishop Briggs
The Head and the Heart

When I was younger, some of the bands that I would always listen to were Green Day and Weezer. I was also surrounded by Blink-182 during that time through my friends and family members. I have sentimental connections with songs from these artists and it's a dream come true that I can now say that I've seen those songs performed live, right in front of me. I saw Green Day!!! I've been waiting so long to be able to say that. Also, this weekend was a good opportunity to discover new artists. I knew of most of the ones included on the lineup, but there were some I had never heard of before. Now, I'm much more musically educated and I've expanded my horizons as well as my interest range regarding music. I feel so lucky that I was not only able to see amazing bands but that I constantly have the opportunities to go see new performers. This is livin'. My muse for life is in the music I listen to.

Night 1

Stay up, stay livin'

- Jillian

Instagram: @jillianybarra


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