
Putting my problems and struggles aside to appreciate what's gone pretty well in my life so far.

Things may have been a little rough recently but overall, I'm thankful for the universe giving me what I have. It has encouraged me to stay positive and continue to put positive vibes out into the universe. I'm thankful that I was able to go home for my Thanksgiving break and fortunately, I got to spend it with some really great friends and family. I've taken more time recently to look over what I'm thankful for and since I did that, my positivity has improved. More about that later. This is about what I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for where I've been, where I am and where I'm going. Cheesy? Maybe. But it's true. Every decision that I've made throughout my entire life has helped develop the journey that I'm currently on. That's just crazy. I would've never pictured myself where I am today with the people that I'm lucky enough to have in my life, experiencing and learning the things that I'm learning. I may not be exactly where I want to be just yet, but I'm lucky that I was put here for some reason. I'm thankful for everything I've learned from every decision I've ever made. From the smart ones, to the dumb ones, I'm glad I did what I've done. I'm thankful for the path I've embarked on and the power to do what I want to with my life. I'm thankful that I have options. I'm thankful that I have become the person that I am. Some of the dark days have accentuated the brighter days and helped me realize how many things we can be thankful for. I'm thankful for the best Thanksgiving I've had so far and all things in my life that have yet to come.

I'm thankful that this is only the beginning.

Stay livin'

- J

Here's a photo of me on the greatest Thanksgiving I've experienced in my 18 years of life so far


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