
Doesn't it just seem like the right thing to do to support those around you? Especially those with a similar goal?

Well I have recently encountered someone who hasn't been the most supportive of colleges or peers.

Keeping things anonymous, someone I was under the wing of during my first semester of college dissed and put down my dream career as well as "creative" people. He said that people who are more creative than sensible are "weirdos and are mental people." I found this a bit offensive. I personally consider myself a creative person and I don't think I'm "mental". He also warned my peers and I to never go into journalism because it was the hardest career that relates to writing to get jobs in. Also, he said that journalists are strange people. How would you feel if someone you respected totally and completely dissed the thing you wanted to do most with your life. The thing I didn't understand is that he is a writer. How could he not support those who are involved with an extremely similar career? It's like a surgeon saying that pediatrics aren't necessary to the medical field. Both jobs serve a purpose so why not support colleagues? Why put others down? You're an adult. You should be encouraging your writing students to become more interested in writing and dissing a possible career in the industry you are apart of isn't a wise move. And as for us who are "mental", yeah Van Gough cut his ear off but that doesn't mean the rest of us are going to do the same.

Be respectful. Comradery. We are all in this life thing together.

- J


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