End Up Here

It's funny to think about someone when you first met, compared to now, seeing how far you've come since them. Relationships with people are funny like that. Who would've thunk that a boy that messeged you about the English homework would've been the best thing to happen to you all year. Who would've thunk that this person would become such an important part of your life. Who would've thunk that you'd both end up here like this.

This kind of situation reminds me of the song "End Up Here" buy Five Seconds of Summer. (Now you see where I get my title from.)

How did we end up talking in the first place?
You said you liked my Cobain shirt
Now we're walking back to your place
You're telling me how you love that song
About living on a prayer
I'm pretty sure that we're halfway there
And when I wake up next to you I wonder how
How did we end up here?

Do you ever think about how you met someone and how lucky you are that they became such a frequent face in your life? I hope you answered yes to that question and that you've been able to have had someone come into your life with such a powerful impact and that has taught you something about life that you didn't know before.

How'd we end up here? I think about how if a certain event hadn't taken place, our lives would be so different. If we hadn't gone to the same school... If we hadn't been in the same class... If we didn't have the conversation that we did... We wouldn't have ended up here. But we did. I find this just mind boggling. Imagine not being in the same class as your best friend and you never met them. What would your life be like now? Who would you associate with? What memories would seize to exist and what kind of person would you be? I like to think about this kind of stuff because it just reminds me how lucky I am to have been able to have this life and to be able to tell the stories of all the amazing things I've had the opportunity to do so far. It reminds me to be grateful for those that have stayed in my life and for those who have just passed on through. Also, that everything happens for a reason. I'm not the best with change but throughout the past few years, I've slowly started to accept it as it comes. I always get extremely sad when people that are/were important to me, leave my life. But I try to look at it in the most positive way possible. It is incredibly difficult but it's better than just accepting depression and lurking on the whole scenario. Memories were made with these people for a reason and it's all a part of how we've ended up where we are today.

I'm grateful for everything I've been through and that we've ended up here.


P.S. Thanks for asking about the homework.


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