Poem: I Will Always, I Will Never

I really like writing poetry so on occasion, I'll post a piece on this blog. Here's my first posted poem called "I Will Always, I Will Never". It's just a lil somethin' I wrote in my English class about a month or so ago...

I will always remember the way you would look over at me in the car
I will never forget the teachers that I proved wrong
I will always remember the way you held me when no one was around
I will never forget the the time I realized that your were truly there for me

I will always remember the sweet messages you would send out of no where
I will never forget how I've started to develop my voice
I will always remember the spontaneous adventures
I will never forget the way you held my hand as you drove

I will always remember not knowing where we were going until we got there and not caring because it was with the people I loved
I will never forget how you would drop anything and everything just to be able to see me
I will always remember how I trusted you with anything and everything
I will never forget who you were

I will always remember the oceans I've crossed and the mountains I've climbed
I will never forget the way I could always remember
I will always remember the fact that I am truly not alone
I will never forget that sometimes being alone is ok
I will always remember how quickly these bonds had formed

I will never forget the fact that I'll always be able to remember you

- Jillian


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