
Life can be so much worse. I bet you already knew that but it takes a strong push from the universe to make us really really understand and believe it. Our lives are pretty good when you think about it. We have a home, we have at least one friend in our lives, and we have our whole futures ahead of us. And right now, we have nothing in the way of us and the future that we want. We need to be grateful for this chance to live our lives the way we want to. We need to take charge of our futures because we can make them whatever we want them to be. We need to not dwell on the negative things as much as hard as that may be, because in retrospect, they could be so much worse. Everything is easier said than done but it's so rewarding to be positive and to realize how much power you have over your future. I think it's amazing to think about all the possible options we have when it comes to our futures. And every choice we make changes our futures. This may be a broad explanation but basically I'm going to do my best to never take my life for granted. I'm lucky. I appreciate what I have and the fact that I'm in the process of the biggest journey imaginable; Life.

Life is crazy.

- Jillian


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