Random Writing Part 1

I was cleaning out my notes on my phone and I came across this thing I wrote back in February ( I don't even know what to call it), but I thought I'd share it with you. Maybe you can relate it to a situation in your life, and if you can't well... it's just a little peek into mine.

February 26th, 2016, 8:34 PM

"If this were to have happened to me a year ago, I would be crying every night. But a lot can change in a year. A person can grow a lot in a year. That's what I did. I grew up. I matured. I learned that people can have a strong affect on you and you have to find those that have the most positive affect on you. You have to surround yourself with the right people. Change is still difficult for me but I've become more open to the idea of change if that means I'll be happy. I'm learning that time is precious and you can't go wasting it making yourself unhappy. Giving up is different than letting go. Giving up can be the result of something being difficult. Letting go can be the result of something having a negative and unhealthy affect on you. Do not associate with things that make you unhappy. I know it can be hard to stop putting everyone else before yourself. But take it from me, someone who's been in that position; it's a must. I'm still in the process of doing that but I already see results. I already see a light at the end of the tunnel. I already see myself one step closer to happiness. I hope everyone can find their own happiness. I know it's a struggle to take your own advice but once you become motivated enough to keep on trying, there's no turning back on this road. The path to happiness will be addicting to walk on. You'll see it as a new beginning. And that's just where you have to start."

- Jillian


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