A Day in the Life: Senior Year

Senioritis is at an all time high with just 9 more school days till graduation; but who's counting. All of my classes are completely and utterly pointless so today, I'll be taking you through my normal school day.

5:45 am: Finally getting out of bed after sleeping 15 minutes longer than I should have. It's pitch black as I stumble through my house towards the bathroom to get ready.

6:50 am: I leave my house 10-20 minutes later than I'm supposed to, to join in on the traffic.

7:34 am: I arrive at school only four minutes late but it's ok, my teacher knows I'm always late so he doesn't mark me absent.

8:02 am: I finish my quizlet and talk with my friend who came to visit me in class.

9:04 am: My friend and I sing "Count On Me" by Bruno Mars in preparation for our class' performance in a couple weeks.

9:15 am: My friend and I convince our teacher to let us go into the theater to practice singing and we get out of playing "Crazy Train". To be completely honest, we don't know how to play that song very well so we dipped to practice the song.

9:31 am: Finished my graphic design project. Easy because I just improvise for half of the steps and it's my second year of that class. Sometimes I play games online with my friend as we wait for the period to be over.

10:27 am: I asked my government teacher if I can go to my music production/graphic design teacher's classroom to work on some projects since all he does is show us biographies of old presidents. (Sometimes I actually do work on projects, but most of the time I either write, watch Netflix, play guitar, do some Government homework using the computer, or even sleep.)

11:35 am: I stayed in that room, like I always do, and watch Netflix while I eat and wait for the 30 minutes to be over.

12:42 pm: Since our poetry slam is just about over and the year is coming to a close, I read my book "What About Me" by Mindy Kaling while listening to the stand up comedy special, my teacher decides to show us on Netflix.

1:24 pm: I sat in the cafeteria, on my phone, waiting for 2 pm to come so I can get outta there. Always waiting for the period to be over.

As you can see, my school day as a senior in the last few weeks of my high school career, my day is very monumental as I constantly wait for each period to be over.

First Period: Music Production
Second Period: Guitar
Third Period: Computer Graphic Design
Fourth Period: Government
Sixth Period: Writer's Workshop
Seventh Period: Study Hall

I'm leaving every class I can to actually be more productive than I would be sitting in my classes. Welcome to what senior year looks like, academically.

How do us Seniors do it?
- Jillian


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