
"Graduation". This word has been thrown around here and there all year. But now, it's been used many, many times day. Thursday was my last official day of high school for the rest of my life and its been super bittersweet. I tried my best to embrace my last day but it went by too quickly and it was surprisingly hectic. ***Attention Underclassmen***: It all goes by so ridiculously fast. Don't take one single day for granted. Yeah, there's always gonna be those days when you just aren't feelin' life and you may need a personal day at home, but that's totally normal. But for the days that you do go to school, remember the route you took to get to each class, remember the crazy passing periods, remember the desks in slightly organized rows, remember the way your teacher started each period and remember the feeling of having friends and an obligated place to hang out or eat lunch. High school can completely suck. But when you take the chance to look back on it in the possibly near future, you're going to miss it. Sometimes when it's not even quite gone yet. I'm at this stage right now, actually. I'm gonna miss this routine. (Minus the early mornings full of rushing out the door and late nights full of homework.)

Anyway, I've been hearing the word "Graduation" a lot recently. It sounds so foreign to me. Like a different language I'm expected to have a taste of. I feel as if I've just started my senior year. But it's been 9 months since that day. It goes by so fast. I know seniors from the past must've told me that same thing right before they were graduating but I was too stubborn and oblivious to comprehend it and actually think about how it could go by in a glance for me. I've grown so much in the past four years. I've experienced so many things too. I used to be the shy girl who didn't talk to anyone unless it was mandatory. But now, I converse with those around me and sometimes I even volunteer to share my opinion! (It's all about the progress) I don't feel ready to graduate. I just started getting comfortable in high school, in the environment, with my peers. I'm started to feel settled. But maybe the universe needs to keep us on our toes in order for us to constantly be evolving into better people. Maybe this is the right time for a change. And maybe graduation is bittersweet partially because it's saying goodbye to a place we once called home and it's the time when we start to say goodbye to our cherished youth. It's time we progress. On one hand, I'm excited for graduation, but on another, I'm scared for what comes after that. I don't know what my future holds and I don't know what my life will become but I can't prevent the fact that on Tuesday, I will become a high school graduate.

Congrats, Class of 2016

Wishing you all the best
- Jillian


  1. Each loud, hectic, seemingly uncontrollable stage of our lives quietly prepares us for the next. Dad.


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