Wait. Stop. Pause.

High school is almost over... What.

I'm graduating in less than 9 days and to be completely honest, I don't think I'm ready to leave the place I've been so desperate to get out of for the past four years. I know that sounds completely weird but it's true. I've been so used to a high school routine; I've become comfortable with it. Change is good. But I don't feel ready. Now that I've been dreaming about the day I could get out for years, I feel like I've taken advantage of being in high school and the whole experience. It's honestly a blessing in disguise. It's a chance to form bonds with people that could become super important in your life. I could go on and on about the terrible things that have happened in high school but I can also make a mental list of all the amazing things that have happened as well. I'm experiencing my final senior activities and it's a shame that they just fly by. Prom, Grad Nite, Graduation; it's all almost over. I don't feel ready for this next chapter and I'm not ready to leave everything I know behind. Everything is gonna change. I'm trying to savor the last days that I have in this world that I've become custom to. Unfortunately, it can be hard sometimes due to relationships that I have with people and life just being so complicated. But I try my best to distract myself from that whenever I can so I can just enjoy the time that I have left. I wish I just just pause this time period of my life for a little bit longer. It's gonna feel so weird not going back to high school in the Fall. I'm just trying not to overthink too much now and I'm trying to just go all out and do everything I can to make my last week of high school so memorable that I'll never be able to forget the past four years of my life and how they've helped me grow. These are my thoughts for now. Embrace where you are because one day, you might actually miss it. Click pause.

- Jillian


  1. I hadn't read your post before our drive in this morning but your Dad's Fatherly advice spun around everything you've included in your post. Over these last few days, open your eyes to everything around you; fill your heart and mind with memories. High School; it is an end that is also a beginning.


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