I'm gonna be ok

I've just accepted what my life consists of and who is in it and I can already feel myself becoming a little more content. I don't want beef with anyone. I'm about to graduate and the last thing I would like is to end on a bad note. Life goes on and so can I. I'm lucky that I'm here today. I'm lucky that I am this strong. To be honest, I had my doubts that I would've made it to this day, but I'm lucky to say that I am strong. Stronger than I thought. I got through some of my darkest days and you know what? I'm gonna be ok. Life may throw a curve ball every once in a while. But now I know that I can get through anything. I am a warrior. I'm stronger than I've ever been. (If you know what those two lines are from, I love you.)

I've been becoming happier recently which is good. I've been reconnecting with the old friends that I've been missing for quite a while, it's basically summer which is probably my favorite time of the year, I've been experiencing the beginning stages of love, and I've been living life with the people who have been there for me this year. As for those who have left my life in the past year, I've been moving on from that pain. When I think of them, I may get sad sometimes, but I don't often cry anymore. See? I'm getting better. I will always care about them, but I won't be letting their decision to stay in my life effect my happiness any longer.

I was very doubtful when it came to thinking about if I was going to be ok anytime soon, if at all. But time has started to heal my wounds as I've found that I am a lot stronger than I thought I was. I'm becoming more like myself each and everyday. My positivity is coming back, so is my happiness. I'm more content.

I'm gonna be ok. And so will you.

- Jillian

Also, I honestly have no idea who in the world reads this blog, but if you do, I hope you enjoy it and thank you. :)


  1. I always read every word because what you have become and where you are going and what you will become are really all that matters - to me.


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