Reconnecting: The Objective

I'm in the beginning stages of trying to reconnect with those that are incredibly important human beings in my life. My old best friends. I've made many mistakes regarding friends this year and I'm tired of being so depressed about it. I'm doing something. I'm taking my happiness back.

Reconnecting is going to be difficult because lord knows if they even want anything to do with me. But I might as well try since my situation can't get much worse.

I spoke with my greatest role model the other day and as hard as it is for me to try and deal with this, she was right when she told me that everyone is living life for themselves. After spending years of doing all I possibly could for other people, I found it hard to fathom that so many people wouldn't do the same for you. People can drop you in an instant. She told me that it's hard being independent but it's something I'm going to have to learn how to do, especially going to college and changing from my normal teenage routine.

However, no matter how many times my heart starts to break and no matter how many friends end up leaving, I'm always going to give my all. Friends are very important to me and I will never stop doing things for the people I care about, no matter how much it hurts.

So, I've been missing my friends for quite a while now and so my objective for reconnecting is just to tell them how I feel and continue to try my best to improve the quality of friendship that I share with people. We'll see if they'll take me back or if I'll be left in the dust.

We'll see what progress can be made in this short amount of time before we go our separate ways, to travel our separate paths. I hope some can be made. I'll take anything I can get. I don't want to make this post depressing but I doubt they'll want anything to do with me. I'm still gonna try. They've always been important to me. I wish I had a better way to show it this year, though. I thought they were in the process of leaving me behind, so I took time for myself and tried to prevent all pain I would've had to go through during that. So I "left". But I shouldn't have because as I've learned, nothing lasts forever and I was too weak at the time to realize that. That's the basically the story of my mistake.

Time will tell. My effort will only grow.
- Jillian


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