
I'm not talking about your everyday fears. For example: spiders, snakes, ghosts, the dark, etc. I'm talking about things I'm truly scared of.

I'm scared of loosing more friends than I already have.
I'm scared of becoming a terrible person.
I'm scared of my heart being broken.
I'm scared that I'm going to be the only person at my religious college that cusses on a daily basis.
I'm scared that the people I miss hate me and want me to fall off the face of the earth.
I'm scared that I'm too much of a procrastinator to go anywhere in life.
I'm scared that I have no talents.
I'm scared that I won't be able to let go.
I'm scared that I won't be a decent driver.
I'm scared that I have all these goals but don't know how to pursue them.
I'm scared that I lack motivation.
I'm scared that I'm not smart enough.
I'm scared that I'll loose my way.
I'm scared that I'll take the wrong path.
I'm scared that the paths in front of me are still cloudy.
I'm scared that no one likes me when I'm being myself.
I'm scared of turning into someone I've never wanted to become.

Now that I've listed most of my biggest fears that came to the top of my head, I have to figure out how to face them. Being the best version of yourself is a constant process and hopefully as I continue to work on improving myself, I will conquer these fears. I'm making it up as I go. I don't specifically know how I'm going to get over my fears but I know that maybe the universe will help me do that someday.

I think it's interesting, seeing what people are afraid of because it gives you a little insight on their life story. Every one's gone through something and every one's had a rough patch in their life one time or another, which I think establishes some of our fears. Does that make sense to you? It does to me. Basically, events you've gone through in your life influence what you fear. (Again, not necessarily a fear of spiders, snakes or the dark) This isn't meant to sound bad but it's quite interesting how fears can be based off of one's story. Well, I'm not going to let my fears rule me. I'm going to try and get over them.

We'll see how that turns out.
- Jillian


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