Fears... Part Two

I went to the fair the other day and I conquered a fear. Not like the ones I talked about in my last post on fears, but a more common fear. Let me make this clear... I am not afraid of rollercoasters. I love everything about them. The speed, the turns, the drops. Everything. However, the only ride I've ever been on that flipped was California Screamin' at DisneyLand which I thought was really fun. I'm not afraid of falling out or anything, I'm afraid of getting sick. So, I've never been on those fair rides that do that sort of thing, until now...

I was with a friend and he really wanted to go on at least one of those types of rides and so we made a deal that if he didn't try to flip the car, but just let it flip on it's own, then I would go on it with him. So I did. I went on a ride that flipped more than once. I felt fine other than the normal adrenaline rush. Later, he got me to go on another ride I had never been on before. It didn't totally flip but it was one of those rides I probably would've just dismissed at the sight of. It's now my new favorite fair ride. It was so much fun. Once again, I've found facing fears to be rewarding. Sometimes, you've just gotta go for it. That's one thing I know.

This summer, if I encounter a fear of mine, I'm going to do my best to face it and I'll let you know how it goes and we'll see if it was worth it or not.

Jillian: 1, Fears: 0

This should be fun.


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