Brutally Broken

So I saw this and I love it. It just reminds me that even though I've been hurt, there's no reason to be anything other than kind to others. 

Courage is not an easy thing to develop in your life. Take it from me, I know first hand. But in my experience, I just got tired of living a life without doing courageous things. So I changed.

I didn't change every part of me, just the part that was having trouble getting the courage to do tiny things here and there.

I have been broken many times in many different ways. Wether it's been between friendships, relationships, family or even my own mind, I have been hurt. But I have never ever had the slightest thought to take out my anger and sadness on someone else. I wouldn't wish being broken onto anyone, wether I know them or not. So I guess that's why I try my best to show only kindness to others. I try and show people that they're worth so much more than what they feel they're worth when they're broken.

This quote helps me feel a tiny bit of reassurance that I'm attempting to do the right thing and help others.

When I read this quote, it makes me feel that anyone who has been brutally broken, deserves a love deeper than the ocean. Because courage and courage to be kind to others is hard to develop, I feel good when anyone shows any tiny glimpse of kindness.

I just hope that everyone finds a love deeper than the ocean because even when you're bruised and broken, that doesn't take away any of your value.

Try and remember that.

- J


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